• The Alliance works with area businesses and those considering locating into Wood County.
  • Our services range from helping to create business plans to collaborating with taxing bodies in arranging beneficial tax treatments.
  • As we develop our operations, we will assist businesses additionally via GIS, as well as web and marketing collateral resources.
  • Provide various levels of assistance to Employers seeking land in Wood County.
  • Aid and assist Employers seeking buildings in Wood County.
  • Provide grants and a business plan for troubled Employers whose failure would have a negative economic impact on Wood County.
  • Provide economic impact analysis to determine the value of a proposed project in Wood County.
  • Provide access to the benefits of the Texas Hotel and Lodging Association for our lodging members.

With land available, tax rebates in place, and a vision for the future utilizing the WCEA’s strategic plan, the Alliance will help to pave the way into the introduction of:
High-Tech manufacturing
Medical and Educational services
Destination point for Outdoor and Leisure Travel